Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Bike Polo Is My Boyfriend

There is one thing i regret in my life; not trying bike polo earlier. 

I have been following bike polo tournaments since 2009, when i cycled down south of the river to watch the 1st Euro tournament, but only recently i gave it a go - yes 3 1/2 years later! I'm not quite sure how i found out about bike polo back then; and i am not quite sure why it took me three and a half years to give it a go.  But i knew back then that i was secretely and quietly in love with it.  

Bike Polo and I were courting each other in September 2012; our courting included some hurting, but i was determined to make our relationship work. We had a break from each other for 3 months, mainly due to the bad weather; i guess it was abit like a long-distant realtionship during those months. We finally got it back on, in spring 2013. 

Although I suck at Bike Polo,  i feel that it is my duty to tell everyone who has been considering playing bike polo to come and give it a go. Don't wait three years before you try it because this is the best thing ever. If you are in London, Beginner's sessions are on Saturday mornings at London Fields (Hackney).

Follow everything Bike Polo related in London, UK at: 
LFGSS forum
London Hardcourt Bike Polo Association
London Hardcourt Bike Polo on Facebook

2009 -The start of a love affair

Loyal adventure companion
Warm evenings