Thursday, 6 September 2012

On Track (Dublin) -at 32 Cook St, Dublin 8

If you are in Dublin and into track, fixed wheel, single speed bikes On Track is the shop for you. 
On Track is a small shop full of fixed gear goodness; even Eigthhinch frames (yes all the way from Milwaukee), Surly and Leader and with links to Brick Lane Bikes (London) which means access to the catalogue which includes Affinity products - so your all american fixie urges are met! 

in terms of parts and accessories: Chrome and Bagaboo bags, Velocity and H Plus Son wheels! Yum!!!

Yes, i was like a kid in a candy store! 

And i must say the guy running it was extra polite and chatty and *drum roll* he let me ride the rapparee!!!! what's a rapparree? - it's an IRISH made bike - made in Meath in the 1980's by a sweet man called Des (that's another story for me to tell you!).

Dubliners, you have a little treasure hiding at 32 Cook St, Dublin 8.
For a full list of products: go to

[On Track lads, if you are reading, how about i give you a Leader frame, Dawes Londoner, and a lo pro Paul Donohue for that Rapparee!? :-) pleeeeeeeease! ]